How to Pasaload TNT to TNT or Smart?

Transfer or take load balance from one mobile number to another, called Pasaload, is a valuable feature presented by almost all telecom networks. Furthermore, the procedure for sending credit, such as how to pasaload from TNT to another TNT number and to Smart, is working well. However, this company does not yet support Globe or Dito subscribers. Perhaps they will expand this service and include them in their circle.

 How to Pasaload TNT to TNT via Text?

This is the simplest way to pasaload on TNT, as users have liked it for years. The reason is that even those with limited app awareness can understand it easily. Now, move to the procedure:

Begin by opening your messaging option. This is where you will find the list of Promos with their keywords. From there, select one to send to another.

Compose a New Message:

To pasaload to other TNT, align the command in this format:


  •  Note that 808 is the designated gateway number for TNT and Smart pasaload transactions.

Once the transfer is successful, the user will get a message. It’s important to wait for this before assuming the transaction has been completed. Again, TNT sim registration is compulsory to take advantage of this service.

Pasaload from TNT to Smart through Mobile App:

Using pasaload through the app is more advanced because through this, one can pick different amounts instead of promos. Let’s review how it works:

Step: 1 Open App:

In the bottom portion of this application, there is a Pasa button. Click on it, and then you switch to the next step of selecting a number from TNT and Smart.

Step: 2 Select Amount:

After confirming number on which you pasaload, select one from:

  • Pasa Load
  • Pasa Points
  • Pasa Promo
  • Pasa Data

Step: 3 Confirm Amount:

At end, confirm the credit amount and enter PIN in the next step. Moreover, PIN is only necessary for first pasaload. After this, just enter the required number and other selections remain same.

Is one send Pasaload from TNT to Globe or Dito?

Choice of load from TNT to Globe or Dito involves many obstacles due to the cross network transaction. Probably, it’s in this company’s plan for the future. This possibility is available on Smart because they are on the same network.

Tips for a Better Pasaload Experience:

Always check your balance before initiating a pasaload to confirm you have enough credits for both the amount and the associated fees.

Double verify the mobile number format. Incorrect numbers can lead to failed transactions, and fees for unsuccessful transactions may still apply.

Keep track of your pasaload transactions. This can help in resolving any disputes or clarifications with your provider. It’s always better to stay up to date with any changes in the TNT pasaload process or fees by communicating formally. But normally, these types of services remain unchanged for a long time.

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